Hello and welcome to Cute.A.S.nails!
Here you will see all of our nail art. They are all done by us and are free hand.
We hope you like them and try them all out yourself!

You can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram @cute_AS_nails for daily nail updates!

Alice and Sophie

Tuesday, 19 June 2012


I bought this gorgeous Rimmel Lycra nail polish in Aqua blue recently and I was dying to use it so I thought it would be the perfect colour to use for the sea in today's 'under the sea' design! The octopus and starfish have eyes to make it fun but you could do any sea creatures! Corals, fish, turtles, sharks, the list is endless... My only advice would be to not do too much all together, as i did originally. It looked a bit too busy! Although, I'm sure it is quite busy deep in the ocean!!

Anyway I hope you enjoy these and sea you tomorrow...(did you like what I did there!?)


  1. these are absolutely stunning! wish i had the tools/patience to do this myself! xxx

  2. Thank you!! I used nail art paint here! Which I would definitely recommend purchasing! And we are thinking of doing tutorials soon too so watch this space :) xxx

  3. Love Alice from cute.A.S.nails :) x

  4. Love these, where do you get the nail art paint from? Which brand to you use? x

    1. Hi :) thank you! Here I have used 3 different brands: the green, black and white are Rio nail pens, the bright green for the seaweed is Tantrum nail pen and the pink and turquoise for the octopus and starfish are Kiss nail paints. If you search them online you will be able to find these brands. They're really good makes! Hope this helps. Love Alice from cuteasnails xx
