Hello and welcome to Cute.A.S.nails!
Here you will see all of our nail art. They are all done by us and are free hand.
We hope you like them and try them all out yourself!

You can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram @cute_AS_nails for daily nail updates!

Alice and Sophie

Thursday, 6 September 2012


Almost the weekend Yey!

So last week I did some holiday nails and to carry on from them I have more holiday inspired nails - a beach scene across them.
Now there is quite a bit going on but then beaches are busy places and there's always something to see on a busy beach - sometimes things you don't want to see! Haha

From thumb to pinky I've drawn:
A lady sunbathing. A sun umbrella and boat in the distance. A boat and 2 boys playing volley ball. A lady flying a kite and finally, a swimmer.

I used Barry M for every colour on this design except for the black and white, they are Rio nail art pens.

Have a lovely week!!
I'm on the way to the airport as I write but Sophie will still be posting some of her great nails so keep on viewing :)

We are also entering a competition with Travel Supermarket. Here is the link if you want to enter too! http://www.travelsupermarket.com/c/holidays/beauty-and-the-beach/