Hello and welcome to Cute.A.S.nails!
Here you will see all of our nail art. They are all done by us and are free hand.
We hope you like them and try them all out yourself!

You can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram @cute_AS_nails for daily nail updates!

Alice and Sophie

Thursday, 1 November 2012


I honestly can't believe I'm writing this but....! But it's here...November 1st!! Which doesn't just mean its 25 days till my birthday but also marks the start of the testicular and prostate cancer awareness month Movember!! For those of you that don't know, just like last month was to raise awareness for us women and breast cancer, this month is a charity event and raises awareness for the men. And to do this some choose to grow a moustache throughout the WHOLE of November! Wow.
But I thought of a way to get the girls involved too. Movember nail art!!

So today I've chosen to draw 4 different 'Mo's' on my nails because, let's face it every man can style theirs in a different way! I've used Barry M-Nude again for the base and a black & red nail art pen for the rest. I <3 movember!!

So we are looking forward to seeing your mo themed nail art to show your support to all those guys out there that have ditched the razor - & not forgetting the poor girls who will be putting up with them :) but it's all for an excellent cause!!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone x

1 comment:

  1. These are gorgeous! I have a nail art pen which I'm slowly getting to grips with but you've mastered it!
    I'm pulling out my moustache t-shirt out of the back of the wardrobe this weekend :)
