Hello and welcome to Cute.A.S.nails!
Here you will see all of our nail art. They are all done by us and are free hand.
We hope you like them and try them all out yourself!

You can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram @cute_AS_nails for daily nail updates!

Alice and Sophie

Friday, 29 June 2012


Aaaaaand relax....its Friday!! The weekend is (almost) here! And not a moment too soon in my opinion!!

So. I couldn't let the Wimbledon season slip by without dedicating a nail design to it.
Plus I heard last night that Serena Williams does her own nail art too!! Amazing!

This is a mix 'n match of all things tennis!
For the mini rackets and the court I used Barry M mint green for the base/grass and Rio nail pens for the details. The layered tennis balls on my thumb and single ball on my ring finger are Tantrum's nail paint in lime green and Rio for the detail. And in the middle for half time, using Rio again, we have some juicy layered strawbs!!

Anyone else tried Wimbledon nails yet? Send them (or any other designs) to us at cute.as.nails1@gmail.com and they could be chosen as our Nails of the Week! (Coming soon...)

Hope you love these!! (But not as in the tennis score 'love' because that is zero..) And have a lovely weekend!!

Thursday, 28 June 2012


Good morning everyone!! It's nearly the weekend! We have passed the dreaded mid week line and we're into the home stretch! Woo!

So i know everyone loves Disney films, you may deny it but i know you have a love for Simba or Snow White. My secret love is 'The Little Mermaid'. Sebastian the Caribbean crab is a fave!

Anyway, in essence of Ariel i have done some fun Mermaid nails! The face could have been better but i think it was a good attempt for myself!
For these nails i used Barry M Peach Melba for the skin colour and green for the tail. I then used Tantrum and Models Own nail art pens to do the detail!
If you're going to give this a go i would suggest doing something a bit simpler on your dominant hand (the one usually being painted with your left hand) - maybe just blue for the sea and some green for seaweed! Whatever you do we would LOVE to see them!

Soon we will be featuring a post for Nails of the Week! So get sending your nail art to cute.as.nails1@gmail.com!!

Enjoy these fun Disney nails... Sometimes i wonder what it would be like to live under the sea... Apparently it's better down where its wetter according to Sebastian the crab! England is pretty wet though.

Have a wonderful day!!

Wednesday, 27 June 2012


Morning nail art lovers!!
I hope you have been finding our tutorials useful!
Please let us know, we would love to have your feedback and see your photos too! Send them over to cute.as.nails1@gmail.com

Plus, who doesn't love getting nice mail?!
Sophie and I send each other little random things in the post sometimes. It makes a nice change from bills!!

And this is what today's nails are based on.
They work quite well because I've just used black, white, red and blue.
So even though I've included details like stamps and the 'Air Mail' envelope print, it's still kept quite simple.
Here I've used black, red and blue Rio nail art pens and Essie nail polish in white for the base colour.
Hope you like them.

Have a lovely Wednesday!!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012


Goood Morning!!
I struggled naming these nails... People call them laser nails but i don't really like that however, i couldn't think of a snappy title (i liked colour block nails - too long) so laser nails it is!!

So these are gorgeous to look at and easy to do!

1. First you start off by choosing what colours you want together. Here i went for Barry M Peach Melba, Mint Green, Grey and Silver Foil Effects.

2. You will need to cut up small strips of selotape - you can buy thin tape but cutting your own means that all the lines will be different widths.

3. Paint a base coat and the colour you want the lines on all of your nails. I went for Peach Melba on one hand and Foil Effects on the other. Let these dry otherwise the tape will ruin them!

4. Place as many strips of tape onto your nail but in some sort of pattern. I used 3 per nails.

5. Paint your different colours in the blocks outlined by selotape. You can try doing the whole nail in one colour or mix it up and try a few.

6. You need to let this dry a little bit otherwise the colours will merge into each other! Once you think it won't run (it should be slightly tacky) start to peel off the selotape strips to reveal your base colour!

Finally you should always cover in a top coat to protect the varnish!

We would love to see how your nails go! Please send any pictures to cute.as.nails1@gmail.com

Monday, 25 June 2012


Happy Monday everyone!!

Today we have a mini tutorial for anyone who wants to put the cherry on top of their day and give this fruity design a try!!
I hope you find it helpful!

So this is how it goes:
Firstly apply a base coat of colour. I have chosen Barry M strawberry ice cream. But you could always try white, yellow, blue etc.
Next using a red nail pen (I used Rio) draw your juicy cherries in pairs! Just small round dots. Two next to each other but not touching. Then repeat again and again until you have enough to build a pattern on the nail. I did 4 pairs of cherries on each nail.
Then, for the cherry stalks use a green nail art pen, I again chose Rio. This is basically drawing little X's over the pairs of cherries.

The last step is to add a little dot of white on the cherries to look like a shine. I used Rio white nail pen.
Finally add a clear top coat to complete your gorgeous, shiny, cherry-licious nails!!

I hope you enjoy!!

Thursday, 21 June 2012


Happy Friday to you all!!

Today i decided to try and follow on from Alice by doing leopard print nails.... But with a difference! They aren't your normal kind of colouring for leopard nails. It's nice to be a bit different.

So here they are.... Some very colourful leopards!
For these i used Models Own for the base and then various colours from Tantrum and Barry M's collection for the spots!
I don't know about you but I always struggle to paint my right hand so i decided to paint them the colours i used for the spots and do a couple of white spots on each nail.

Anyway... Have a great weekend everyone! Keep on painting!!!


I think the Barry M strawberry ice cream and mint green in my flamingo nails look great together!!
After the base coat of green I did the light pink half moon shapes at the end of each nail next. Then using Kiss nail paint in hot pink I outlined the light pink and did a 'S' shape for the neck and head.
At this point they may not look right but trust me, as soon as you add the beak and goggly eyes, the flamingos take shape!!

These are simple, fun and effective but also a bit different as flamingos aren't the most popular animals you go to see at the zoo!! Even though they do have amazing balance and colour!
Did you know they get their beautiful colour from their diet-mainly algae and prawns..eww!!

Anyway, I'd better flamin-go...and leave you with that fun fact to enjoy these and your day!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


What a beautiful day it is today!!!
Whenever there's sun i just wish i was sat in a park with lots of flowers and potentially a stream or river of sorts, but they aren't essential! Butterflies and birds just flying around (we seriously like flying on this blog).
So here are some very pretty butterfly wings nails. I've seen them done in a deep red and black but i wanted to make them slightly lighter and more fit for summer so i used Barry M's Peach Melba for the base and Tantrum's pale turquoise nail art pen for the detailing, along with Models Own white nail art pen for the dots.
These are easy to do and a fun way if exploring different colour combinations.
Try it!

Have a sunny day and if you get to sit in the sun we would love to see your pictures.... We're very jealous!

Tuesday, 19 June 2012


I bought this gorgeous Rimmel Lycra nail polish in Aqua blue recently and I was dying to use it so I thought it would be the perfect colour to use for the sea in today's 'under the sea' design! The octopus and starfish have eyes to make it fun but you could do any sea creatures! Corals, fish, turtles, sharks, the list is endless... My only advice would be to not do too much all together, as i did originally. It looked a bit too busy! Although, I'm sure it is quite busy deep in the ocean!!

Anyway I hope you enjoy these and sea you tomorrow...(did you like what I did there!?)

Monday, 18 June 2012


So today I've been having a play with Barry Ms NEW Chameleon nail varnish! If you haven't got it or seen it then i suggest you go and buy it NOW!!
Here's how it works -
First you apply a base coat (you should always do this anyway to protect your nails)
Then you apply your chosen Chameleon nail varnish, i chose pink for this one.
You need to wait for your nails to dry before the next stage..
Once you've decided what pattern or design you want in your nails use Barry M Top Coat to create it! Magically the colour changes!
I've then used Barry M Silver Foil Nail Effects to add some more detail!

Now Im off to play with the other colours!!!
Have a colourful day..!

Saturday, 16 June 2012


Yummy!!  Me and Sophie love some tea and cakes as a little treat. (we even went for a cuteasnails brainstorm brunch yesterday at BB Bakery!)
So, I thought why not put them on my nails as a little treat for everyone else! I've drawn Custard Creams, Jammie Dodgers and Bourbons plus a tea cup, bunting and doilies to add a little 'English afternoon tea' touch.

We love Barry M's gorgeous colour range so for this design I have, of course, used Barry M Strawberry ice-cream for the base. It gives a pretty feel making these cute and fun!
Hope you like them!!
Now let's put the kettle on...

Friday, 15 June 2012


A bit of fun fun fun today with some Pacman nails!!!!! Im pretty sure everyone has played a bit of Pacman at some point in their lives. If you haven't Im shocked and you need to go and have a go at the simple yet fun game!

If you want to recreate these i used Barry M varnish in pale yellow, blueberry, berry ice cream, flamingo and green. The little bits of black and white you see are with Models Own nail art pens - which are great to do any small detail on your nails!

Have a FUN filled day!

Thursday, 14 June 2012


'Let's go fly a kite....!!'

Today I've done a kite scene design that, we decided, follows on very nicely from Sophie's boat scene nails from yesterday! And they both have the little birds in the sky too, which we love!
I have some gel extensions on so these were a bit easier to do as I have a bit more nail to work with!

If you wanted to give it a try too I used: Chanel - Riva blue, Rio - white & black nail pens and Kiss nail art paint in pink & purple

Enjoy these! And your (hopefully rain-free) day!!

P.S we seem to like the thought of flying...

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Blog lovin!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Please follow our blog on bloglovin.com!!! Wooooo


Usually summer means sailing. For me anyway. Most of my family sail whatever the weather! Crazy!
So with that in mind here are some sailing nails with birds and a little beach!
A different take on nautical nails i think!

Have fun in the sun!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


I woke up to a lovely picture message from Alice..... she had done the prettiest flowery nails i had ever seen!! They made my day!

I think the colours are perfect so i wouldn't suggest anyone to do different colours. If you do then please let me know and send me a pic!

I hope you love these as much as i do.

Sunday, 10 June 2012


Today i have attempted to do some cute and colourful shoes (sneakers, trainers, converse)!!!
You can always pick different colours such as some pastels or even neon depending on your mood! They're just a bit of fun!

Hope you had a nice weekend!

Saturday, 9 June 2012


A bit of fun today with some cute moustache nails! I've seen some very cool moustache t shirts and finger stickers around so these are the perfect addition to this weird craze!!

Obviously you can change the base colour, however Alice thought it would make it slightly more feminine... If that's possible?

Have a moustache-tic day!

Friday, 8 June 2012


What a windy day!!! Take my advice and don't wear a hat...

Todays nails are a creative version of Love and Hate, consisting of hearts and skulls.

Alice did do some love and hate Scrabble nails but decided they didn't look quite right so this lovely contrasting nail design was the end result! And i LOVE it.

When i think of Love and Hate, marmite always springs to mind....

Thursday, 7 June 2012


So yesterday i think the rainy nails worked as it was sunny for quite a lot of yesterday! Yay! Go nails!
So in the spirit of the sun i had to do some sort of sun theme for my right hand (meaning i still have the rainy days on the left).
So here they are... Sunny days!

Unfortunately i think these have equaled out the rainy nails and now there is no rain or sun just... Blah. Sorry!
Enjoy the... Umm..  Blah?

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


We HATE rain.... Maybe hate is too strong of a word... We very much dislike rain. Better? It is meant to be summer after all.
Todays nails are mainly based on yesterday. I stood at work and watched all the rain dribble down the canopy opposite our store and the thought of the horrible weather lasting more than a day made me sad.
So hopefully after these nail designs we will get some sun... We can dream eh?!
Enjoy our rainy nails!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


Just wanted to post that Alice had her lovely strawberry nails in Look Magazine today! Amazing!
We love strawberries!!!


Feeling a little.... BLAH? Or sometimes you're tired (a bit like moi today) and when people talk to you its all a blur of speech and quotation and... Blah? Well that is todays nails.
They're a bit quirky and random which we quite like. So we hope you like that too!

Enjoy the jubilee AGAIN today (broken record?) as Im off to work!

Monday, 4 June 2012


So we took a leaf out of Zooey Deschanels book and copied her fabulous tuxedo nails! We love Zooey and her quirky style!
I've seen a few different versions of these with different jacket lapels with glitter and all that jazz however we like this simple and effective design!

Again, enjoy your bank holiday!


So today i am going to do a double blog as i didn't do one yesterday... So first up we have some very cool Swallow nails. I think Alice has a super steady hand to do something like this.
With these you can always try different colour backgrounds - i think a nice pale blue would look lovely!
The dream of being able to fly....

Enjoy your bank holiday!

Saturday, 2 June 2012


Happy Jubilee!!! Go queenie!
To celebrate this very long Jubilee weekend (although we will be working) we have done some rather fitting nails. Our favourite is the crown with jewels.
We hope you all have wonderful street parties with a vast amount of food, drink and bunting!!!
Happy days!

Friday, 1 June 2012


Sorry there's not been an update for a while, i sneaked off to Barcelona for a few days (it was lovely btw).
So today we have some lovely colourful stripes! The best thing about these are you can do any colours and they will always look fun!
I hope you've all been enjoying the weather. I will have a fun post for you tomorrow!